DESIDERATA (Cosmic version)

Poem “DESIDERATA”, in its Cosmic version


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From Latin, DESIDERATA: “desired thing.” This text is the cosmic Source from which the North American author, Max Ehrmann, was inspired in 1927 to write his famous poem DESIDERATA. Read the new version below, compare it to the older/original one (Link provided at the end *) and draw your own conclusions about humans’ holy texts — not always aligned with the Greater Truths of life.

In order to instigate you, a brief comparison between the 2 versions will be presented later (below), just so that you can understand the subtlety of what comes from Consciousness (and that will make all the difference in the life of those who are open and willing to realign their focus with the one which comes from this higher perspective).

D E S I D E R A T A – Cosmic version (new)


“GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember how much peace you can find in the silence. Outward silence, but mostly inward silence in the stillness of your Soul.

As far as possible, and being faithful to your true values (erroneous or not), try to be in good terms with all persons, with all things and situations, with all Beings, because in this way you become strong and unbeatable in the face of life’s challenges; and nothing, I assure you, nothing can do you real harm.

Express your truth in a silent and clear way, not just with words, but especially with attitudes, examples, and actions – and listen to others, including the seemingly ignorant or uninteresting ones, because they also have their own story and somehow may be helpful to you.

Naturally, if you live having your Higher Self as a basis, then not even arrogant or aggressive people can harm you, because they are also expressions of the same Divine Source that originated you. And never compare yourself to anyone, because there will always be people who surpass you in some way and others who are far from where you already are.

Celebrate your victories and don’t worry too much about your apparent failures, because the real victory is learning to live always happy and grateful, without depending on the outcome of your endeavors in any area of your life. Be interested in your career, but bear in mind that it is just something you chose to do, not what you Indeed Are. And what you Really Are is much, much greater than your career, your possessions or your affections and disaffections, no matter how much you identify yourself with them.

Remember that everything you dare to dream, and much more, has already been provided to you since ever and forever, and this is almost never related to material things. It is a cosmic heritage that has always belonged, still belongs, and will forever belong to you — and you can even express it in your life if you learn to remain humble in the face of the miracle that created you, while taking pride in being part of the GREAT LOVE INTENTION FROM YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER, Who in turn becomes human through you, without saving any virtue – when you allow it.

In fact, you are the Creator and the Creature, the center of a universe of pure intelligence, and it all originates from you and returns to you, having your interests and beliefs as basis. Therefore, you are free to create anything, but responsible for its consequences. Human life is a delicious and challenging game of limitless possibilities, depending on how you face it. So don’t be fooled by its looks and instabilities, because you have the ability and freedom to create your own heaven or hell, according to your beliefs.

Make sure you realize the virtues that exist at all places, because many people strive for high ideals, and in every way life is full of heroism everywhere.

Learn to be yourself from the basis of what You Really Are; especially, do not feign affection or be cynical about love, because in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, love is as perennial as God, it is God Himself/Herself.

Gracefully surrender to the things of youth, kindly accepting the counsel of the years, but without losing the curiosity, the grace, innocence, and confidence of your tender childhood’s years, for this is a characteristic of your immortal spirit.

Many fears are born from fatigue and loneliness, which can be quickly and easily resolved once you are strengthened from your spirit, realizing that there is nothing to fear when you understand and live the Truth of Life.

Do not strive having your reason as basis, cultivate healthy habits, but be kind to yourself. Love firstly the SINGULAR PRIME WORK YOU ARE; because you are a creature of the universe, no less than the trees or the stars, you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, there is no doubt that the world and the universe are unfolding as they should. So try to be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him/Her to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations within the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your Soul and your Consciousness.

Because with all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, this is still a wonderful world. Be happy, bright and positive.

Do not strive to be happy, because happiness likes to hide where we least seek it and to run away when we run after it. Consider happyness as a prize that was already given to you when you used to live inside it without knowing it — and it never stop being as the ocean in which you swim, surrounding you from all sides. But if you really want to strive, do it in order to know, understand, and live the Truth, the one that Sets You Free – and which is a fundamental part of any joy or fulfillment you can dream of.”

Cosmic Version, by JORGE ZAHELL

Although the cosmic version above is similar to the original, I can tell you that there are significant differences between them (some even quite striking) with regard to the attitude of the Being in the face of life’s challenges. A bit further below I will give some comparative examples between the two versions, just to instigate you to realize the importance of your own personal attitudes in your daily life, which will make all the difference in the Apparent Reality that you create or attract – and which you call “your life” (as you know it here). Try to observe the subtlety of the Cosmic Version between the lines of its words. The differences only seem small, but in some cases they are huge!


Original text: “Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit.”

New Version (Cosmic): “Naturally, if you live having your Higher Self as a basis, then not even arrogant or aggressive people can harm you, because they are also expressions of the same Divine Source that originated you.”

Did you notice that in the original poem there is a kind of opening for affliction, annoyance or damage to the spirit? As if someone could actually harm you, and not only inside the illusion of the mentally created make-believe that you call “your life” (which is just another temporary adventure of an eternal and indestructible Being playing at being apparently fragile, fallible and deadly). That is why the Cosmic Version of Desiderata (presented here) changes this perspective and puts it in its proper place. Because you are ALWAYS 100% responsible for everything that comes to you, and any scenario is just a set of provocations to help you AWAKEN (whatever the scenario, including even the most terrible of them).


Original text: Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time”

New Version (Cosmic): “Be interested in your career, but bear in mind that it is just something you chose to do, not what you Indeed Are. And what you Really Are is much, much greater than your career, your possessions or your affections and disaffections, no matter how much you identify yourself with them. Remember that everything you dare to dream, and much more, has already been provided to you since ever and forever, and this is almost never related to material things. It is a cosmic heritage that has always belonged, still belongs, and will forever belong to you — and you can even express it in your life if you learn to remain humble in the face of the miracle that created you, while taking pride in being part of the GREAT LOVE INTENTION FROM YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER, Who in turn becomes human through you, without saving any virtue – when you allow it.”

Wonderful! Your real possession comes from how much you already access the Greater Consciousness, and not from your material or professional achievements!


Original text: “Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.”

New Version (Cosmic): “Do not strive having your reason as basis, cultivate healthy habits, but be kind to yourself.”

The original text talks about having, in fact, a certain discipline (even if healthy), while the new one speaks of not being so rational. This is because, according to Greater Consciousness’ wisdom, human reason (and any discipline) should be used only as an auxiliary player in your daily life, so that your life could be guided by your intuition, by what comes from the genuine feelings of your heart. Instead, people usually self-impose austere disciplines guided by adopted, “bought” or borrowed beliefs from others, without even taking a break from their lives in order to be able to FEEL if these sets of values get aligned with their genuine feelings – and they end up paying dearly by plastering their lives with disciplines.


Original text: “Strive to be happy!” [End]

New Version (Cosmic): “Do not strive to be happy, because happiness likes to hide where we least seek it and to run away when we run after it. Consider happiness as a prize that was already given to you when you used to live inside it without knowing it — and it never stop being as the ocean in which you swim, surrounding you from all sides. But if you really want to strive, do it in order to know, understand, and live the Truth, the one that Sets You Free – and which is a fundamental part of any joy or fulfillment you can dream of.”

Here the two texts diverge diametrically, because happiness doesn’t need effort to be achieved, it’s only a matter of CHOICE, of a decision that is based on learning to be grateful for what you already have – which can always be done, it’s just changing the FOCUS. So what you focus on will expand! Well…. I presented you with only 4 comparisons. The rest is up to you. The purpose of this Post is to show that not everything that is famous is necessarily aligned with the higher spheres of the Being – starting with many books considered “sacred”!

(*) NOTE: In order to read the original Version of DESIDERATA, click here.


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2 Comments Add yours

  1. Jorge Zahell says:

    A quite thought-provoking read, isn’t it?


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